Monday, 13 May 2013

Insta Food Style

I've always been a very visual person, I choose things because they look beautiful and when it comes to food I definitely eat with my eyes, unless I'm intoxicated then no matter what that kebab looks like it’s being shovelled in my mouth and it’s probably best if people don't look at me because it won't be a pretty sight. So here's a new thing I'm going to do on my blog called Instagram food style. We look at fashion as art and as if they are beautiful creations, but food is also, you cannot deny the beautiful style of food unless you’re at McDonalds. Following is a collection of insta food photos from my weekend. Forget the fashion style down catwalks, those Thai prawns look pretty damn stylish to me with that burgundy coating of spicy sauce.

As always style is better revealed through photos as they speak a thousand words...



  1. OMG so delicious food. The pictures are very nice, you make me hungry! Maybe you can visit my blog and follow me :)

    1. Thank you so much for commenting it was very delicious food :)

      Elizabeth x
